Consumer Goods, Retail, & Services Furniture & Appliances
furniture appliances electronics computers racares community involvement retail renttoown franchising promote from within service & repairs customer service furniture rental furniture stores home & garden local services shopping
Rent-A-Center is an American public furniture and electronics rent to own company based in Plano, Texas. The company was incorporated in 1986 and as of 2010 operates 3,007 company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico, accounting for 38% of the rent-to-own market in the United States based on store count. read more
Rent-A-Center is an American public furniture and electronics rent to own company based in Plano, Texas. The company was incorporated in 1986 and as of 2010 operates 3,007 company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico, accounting for 38% of the rent-to-own market in the United States based on store count. read more

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