November 06, 2014

Maryland Health Connection signs on as official sponsor for Baltimore Ravens

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About Sponsor:

The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) is a public corporation and independent unit of Maryland state government established in April 2011 in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA). The MHBE has a nine-member Board of Trustees that includes the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Maryland Insurance Commissioner and Executive Director of Maryland Health Care Commission. The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange is responsible for the administration of Maryland Health Connection.

About Property:

The Baltimore Ravens are a professional football franchise based in Baltimore, Maryland. The Baltimore Ravens are officially a quasi-expansion franchise, having originated in 1995 with the Cleveland Browns relocation controversy after Art Modell, then owner of the Cleveland Browns, announced his intention to relocate the team to Baltimore. Modell's team was named the "Baltimore Ravens" after a fan contest and began play in the 1996 season.

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The Ravens were one of a few marketing partners that exchange leaders announced earlier this fall. As part of the deal, the exchange is airing radio advertisements during Ravens broadcasts, will have exposure on Ravens digital media and visual ads in the stadium for two games.
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