Jan 09, 2009 at 01:21 PM
written by

Perfect Pitch Fridays!

What's the best way to pitch a sponsor? We're not sure how long this question dates back, but if you have the answer definitely let us know.

Powerpoint, word docs, cold calls, proposal submission services, email, networking events, word of mouth/referral, sourcebook listings, etc etc.

We see the chatter a lot on our LinkedIn group and groups like it (PS - you should join!)

The truth is, while there may be wrong answers, there is no perfect mix or algorithm of activities that magically make sponsors appear. That's why, we say you explore all of your options and utilize all of your resources. NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK - see the interview between Lewis Howes and Leverage CEO Ben Sturner in our News section on networking (yes, the audio could be a little better): sponsorpitch.com/public/news

SponsorPitch offers a new tool to help you network, learn, share best practices and get exposure for your opportunity! This isn't a one-way conversation. We want to create a culture of collaboration.

In the meantime, it doesn't hurt to keep looking for that magic mix.

This will be an evolving post so send any thoughts you have to [email protected] and we'll try to work it in to our Perfect Pitch post next Friday morning.