Jan 23, 2009 at 11:10 PM
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Perfect Pitch Fridays III

Week 3.. Sorry folks, this is coming late today. We've been jam packed with meetings this week for some very exciting announcements we'll have coming up soon! Also, next week you'll see some pretty major feature updates, which we think will make the sign-up/sign-in process a whole lot clearer (we could have done this better in the beginning, but thx for sticking it out and making suggestions!).

So in our quest to refine the "perfect pitch" I think sometimes we stick steadfastly with what worked once before, rather than altering our pitch to changing times and different sponsor needs. This is especially important given the current economic environment and downsized marketing budgets. The six figure flop that may be chalked up to calculated risk in yesteryear, today can costs jobs. Be prepared to tweak your pitch in light of a lowered risk tolerance. For example, rather than giving a prospective partner the opportunity to “get in on the ground floor” of a hot new opportunity, demonstrate in concrete terms how your property will help them “spend smarter” and stretch an the same marketing spend even farther. Of course, this is just as relevant in good times as well. Even if the opportunity itself doesn’t change drastically, your wording can make all the difference in the world.