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NAMING RIGHTS AVAILABLE FOR NEW DORM BUILDING. Our House is a residential facility that since 1993 has been serving disadvantaged male youth from the Maryland, DC and Virginia areas, helping to turn their lives around. The students from abused homes, foster care, juvenile service agencies and homelessness, have no families - or often none that care about them. Our House gives the young men job skills in the building trades & small engine repair, an academic education, life skills, self esteem & confidence and do weekly community service. They are also taught what they need in order to be positive members of their communities and to live independently.

Our House is located on a 140 acre farm property , that OPRAH helped purchase in 2000, some 45 minutes North of Washington, DC , The facilities' list of recognitions and awards parallels the accomplishments of the graduates and has been applauded from the municipal level to the federal level.

Our House now has a goal to expand by building a new dorm. This will allow them to increase the number of students they service, and ease the continued waiting list, and the number of students that have to be turned away. The new dorm will be a Green self-sustaining, rating building. The building of this new dorm will open the doors of OUR HOUSE to more disadvantaged youth who may otherwise walk a path that would lead them to surviving on welfare, becoming incarcerated or not surviving at all - their young lives ending much too early.

We are in urgent need of immediate funding for this project.
NAMING RIGHTS AVAILABLE FOR NEW DORM BUILDING. Our House is a residential facility that since 1993 has been serving disadvantaged male youth from the Maryland, DC and Virginia areas, helping to turn their lives around. The students from abused homes, foster care, juvenile service agencies and homelessness, have no families - or often none that care about them. Our House gives the young men job skills in the building trades & small engine repair, an academic education, life skills, self esteem & confidence and do weekly community service. They are also taught what they need in order to be positive members of their communities and to live independently.

Our House is located on a 140 acre farm property , that OPRAH helped purchase in 2000, some 45 minutes North of Washington, DC , The facilities' list of recognitions and awards parallels the accomplishments of the graduates and has been applauded from the municipal level to the federal level.

Our House now has a goal to expand by building a new dorm. This will allow them to increase the number of students they service, and ease the continued waiting list, and the number of students that have to be turned away. The new dorm will be a Green self-sustaining, rating building. The building of this new dorm will open the doors of OUR HOUSE to more disadvantaged youth who may otherwise walk a path that would lead them to surviving on welfare, becoming incarcerated or not surviving at all - their young lives ending much too early.

We are in urgent need of immediate funding for this project.

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