Technology Application Software
e-commerce saas cloud computing e-commerce platforms enterprise software consumer internet software internet information technology
Based in Tampa, Florida, Savtira is in the business of digital distribution with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) e-commerce platform that is a turnkey system for the distribution, marketing, merchandising, and selling of both digital media and physical goods in a single store and a single, unified shopping cart. Savtira-powered stores are designed to meet the specific needs of retail partners so no two e-stores are alike. All Savtira e-stores are custom-branded for our partners. Extra features and services are offered on an à la carte basis. Savtira is also building the next carrier-class “Entertainment Distribution Network” (EDN), streaming all digital media from the cloud, with a feature set that eclipses anything on the market.
Based in Tampa, Florida, Savtira is in the business of digital distribution with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) e-commerce platform that is a turnkey system for the distribution, marketing, merchandising, and selling of both digital media and physical goods in a single store and a single, unified shopping cart. Savtira-powered stores are designed to meet the specific needs of retail partners so no two e-stores are alike. All Savtira e-stores are custom-branded for our partners. Extra features and services are offered on an à la carte basis. Savtira is also building the next carrier-class “Entertainment Distribution Network” (EDN), streaming all digital media from the cloud, with a feature set that eclipses anything on the market.

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